Bob Anstett gave us a riveting presentation about robots. Here is the link to our video, plus some of the many things he covered.
- The history of robots (the origin of the concept and how it changed over time, what we’ve thought about them, what they could)
- What makes it a robot–Can it :make its own decisions, operates based on programming
- What modern ‘robots’ can do (their use in warehousing/logistics, nursing homes, health care for contactless service, self-driving robots being used at the Villages in FL, and in Las Vegas for tours on the strip, Chevy Volts can actually drive you home and to destinations, ‘pets’ that can sense emotions and make appropriate responses, keep your medical records and responses).
- Where do you draw the line about who is in control–Japan is using home health aid robots; your Echo will be able to detect your heartbeat soon
- Samsung robot can open and close dishwasher, bring you a glass of wine
- Androids vs robots
- Roombas can map your house, knows when you’ve a chair, can do complete cleaning, has a camera and can tell whether you’re there or not, if someone else is there
- Echo can now do lots more by being connected to various devices, so can dim lights, turn on tv and play the movie you want to see… and can even sense which movie you’re likely to want to see
- Where does the legal responsibility for what robots may do… and the changes that are occurring in the legal system (the owner, the programmer, the robot itself) for example, what happens if the roomba’s database gets hacked and someone gets the map to your house; the risks of your biometrics being out there (facial recognition, finger prints, etc.)
- Webex from Broward library–get link thru their facebook page or